Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is Twitter's breakneck growth causing a backlash?

Is Twitter's breakneck growth causing a backlash? That´s the CNN report´s title: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/03/31/twitter.fail.whale/index.html?eref=rss_mostpopular
break·neck (brknk)
1. Dangerously fast: a breakneck pace.
back·lash (bklsh)
1. A sudden or violent backward whipping motion.
2. An antagonistic reaction to a trend, development, or event: "As the backlash against divorce progressed, state legislatures . . . called for a rollback of no-fault divorce laws and even for premarital waiting periods" Walter Kirn.
3. A snarl formed in the part of a fishing line that is wound around the reel.
4. The play resulting from loose connections between gears or other mechanical elements.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Jack Bauer: 104 murderers in 24 hour

I´ve just received a friend of mine´s text about Jack Bauer. He wrote about it to show in our English class. It´s just a draft. So, he apologized about mistakes:
I decide to talk about an American serie. 24hs as just beginning the 7ª season in Brazil by Fox while in the united s States is already in the ending. At night the american tv will exhibited the 16º episode. Each season is in real time. And each episode during 1 hour. All seasons talk about the adventures of the agent federal jack bouer (in the real life keith sutherland) and his missions against the terrorism in the United States . this serie is known by a polemic since it's first season that was exhibit a few months ago the 9/11.  Usually, Bauer and his feloworks and friendshops  torture his enemyes - and ocassionally his friends too,  to discover the true.  And his enemyes afflicted everebady too. from the fist until the fiffth season, was exhibited 77 differents scenes of tortures according The new York times.  .  Expecption the 7ª season, bouer works for a ficction american office off  the american govern: CTU Los Angeles: Count Terrorist Unit   
  Of course the seasons was kwown  for the violence. i just review by internet the second season . when i was satinching  the season, exibetd orignally in 2003 in the united states I decid to count the bodies. At the end of the season 104 people had beemn died during the episodes. Only in one carpenter  30 federal  american agents  dead in ctu when four bombs exploded there. in the last campter wwhen bauer is having a hart attack  killed six peoples in two minutes. thie beforte he had been afflitced some hors ago when he was reanemetd  after stay thitout four minutes whitout breathing
A like soo much theserie. All the seasons discreved extreme situions that people have to decide betuwen life or dead.Exceppeted Bouer, most of the principal names  of 24h   ussulay died too to save the united states from nuclear bombs ou biological attacks, for example. The terrorism  can be have a finnacial support from arabians, chineses and american milionaires from the army's and oil  industries too in the seasos; iin the stories three ex-presidents of United states  one  were killed . onef them was David Palmer the first black american president in the ficction.
  Along the seasons  Bouer was inuried personaly ant psycollogy, but never give up for her missions .Examples: in the first season thewifes"s of bouer is murdered by nina meyer, a ex-mistress Boeuer . In the ending of the foruth season he had to simuleted his own dead for not bekilled on a conpiration. In the ending of the 5 season he was kiddneped for Chineses. In the six season his father  and brother died becausewere enrolled with terrorists two. Last weak in the 7 season exibet in the states , he was inpreegeted by a biological bomb.
i think its mort difficult o be jack bauer than ranbo ou john maclaine the policeman ofthe moies die hard dfe (Duyro de matar0 with bruce willis
bu inthe real life  people already talk about the series day luy.     FEwsS YEARS AGO  thaT 24h g Ave the moral suppoort for militaries INJURED people at guatanamo to try to descover the true. a really dont know if its true or not. BUT  nowm the series is a theme of a mat from a american uiversity since last year for   the law students fromn geogetow universy. the theme is the law in 24h. 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New English learning website


Walking around NY

I´m preparing an virtual tour in New York. I´ll use google´s tools to show hot spots. I intend walk around NY by Internet. I don´t know how places show using google maps and google view. May You Help me? 
Important places to know in NY:
  • Moma

  • Gug

  • New York Nicks

  • Central Park

  • Broadway

  • Soho

  • Little Italy...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Resources for English as a Second Language

UsingEnglish.com provides a large collection of English as a Second Language (ESL) tools & resources for students, teachers, learners and academics. Cool!